Stop thinking the worst, analyze your relationship the right way

Relationship Advice, Couples Counselling, Dating Advice, Problems, Is He Cheating?, Does she love me? Is he a narcissist?, Am I fat?

Previously Published to News Break So many of us enter into a relationship thinking that “this might just be the one.” Everything’s going great. You guys are in sync. You share a number of common interests. But, then you comfortable. The first time something seems out of place, we start questioning everything …and to the point of overanalyzing it. An analysis is great, but it’s only great if you do it correctly. Stop thinking the […]

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5 Ways to Build a Great Team

team building, leadership, organization, common goals, remote workforce, drive, personality type

PUBLISHED ON MEDIUM As they say, “teamwork makes the dream work.” And we, as entrepreneurs, know just how hard it is to create a team that we can love, trust, and learn to grow with. In the beginning, we may start out wearing more than one hat. But, with success comes demand, and eventually, we have no choice but to build out. At first, it may be a little harder to let others take full […]

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Optimizing Your Remote Workforce in Times of Crisis

Workforce Optimization, Covid-19, Coronavirus, Remote Teams, Team Building, DISC Insights, PeopleKeys, Personality Types, Management, Leadership

FULL ARTICLE PUBLISHED ON DISCINSIGHTS BY PEOPLEKEYS On a typical day at the office, managing a workforce in-person is challenging. As more and more businesses are evolving toward a virtual workplace, the need for leaders to optimize their remote teams is more critical than ever. While typical office communication problems have no discretion for the type of workforce they will go on to plague, remote work teams can be most vulnerable. Not only does communication […]

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DISC personality and teaching style

Teaching Types, Teaching Styles, Learning Styles, Personality Types, Personality Traits, DISC Insights, DISC Personalities, DISC Theory, Education

READ THE FULL ARTICLE ON DISCINSIGHTS BY PEOPLEKEYS Believe it or not, your personality not only dictates your behavior, but also the way you teach, the classroom environment you create, and even the results and motivation of your students. The more you understand who you are and the more you learn about behaviors in general, you will become a more “behaviorally intelligent” educator by applying DISC theory in your classroom environment and beyond. Have you […]

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Leadership and active listening with DISC

Active Listening, DISC Personality, Personality Types, DISC Theory, Leadership, Growth, Career Development, Interdisciplinary Skills, Interpersonal Skills, Communication, Employee Relations

READ THE FULL ARTICLE ON DISCINSIGHTS BY PEOPLEKEYS Active listening is an interpersonal skill that every top professional needs. No matter if you are a business professional, sales person, executive coach or business consultant, active listening is an essential part of utilizing your knowledge of human behavior. It allows us to take both verbal and non-verbal cues from clients and begin to understand their every need. Remember, DISC is all about observable behavior so here’s […]

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